Sermon Archive

Current Sermons

Date Speaker Title Availability Description
05/19/2013 Mike Attwood Numbers (3 of 4) listen
05/12/2013 Earl Brinkman Mothers Teaching Children listen
04/28/2013 Andrew James Prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ listen
04/21/2013 Burnell Fields Romans 5; Hebrews 9 listen
03/17/2013 Rick Strohm Acts 14:1-27 listen
03/10/2013 Chris Zito Luke 9:28-51 listen
02/17/2013 Fred Baxtrome Excuses and Rejecting Christ listen
02/10/2013 Rick Strohm Acts 13:14-52 listen
02/03/2013 Eric Smith The Best Gift listen
02/03/2013 Wade LeBlanc listen
01/20/2013 Burnell Fields 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 listen
01/06/2013 Bill Crecca Matthew 15:29-39 listen
12/23/2012 Andrew James Luke 2:1-14 listen
12/16/2012 Fred Baxtrome Condition of the Heart listen
12/09/2012 Eric Smith Luke 24:13-53 listen
12/02/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 15:1-28 listen
11/25/2012 Rick Strohm Acts 13 listen
11/18/2012 Andrew James The Sacredness and Sanctity of Life listen
11/11/2012 Burnell Fields Romans 14:4-12 listen
10/28/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 14:13-36 listen
10/21/2012 Burnell Fields 2 Peter 2:4-9 listen
10/07/2012 Rick Strohm listen
09/30/2012 Burnell Fields Jews, Gentiles, and the Church of God (2)listen
09/23/2012 Doug Lewis The Mind of Christ in Ephesians listen
08/26/2012 Rick Strohm Choices listen
08/22/2012 Wade LeBlanc Deuteronomy 26:5 listen
08/21/2012 Wade LeBlanc Matthew 17:1-8 listen
08/19/2012 Wade LeBlanc John 3:16 listen
08/19/2012 Wade LeBlanc Luke 15:1-7; Luke 19:10 listen
08/12/2012 Andrew James Luke 9:25-26; Romans 1:16 listen
07/29/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 13 listen
07/22/2012 Jim OBryon Genesis 3, 4 listen
07/15/2012 Earl Brinkman Malachi 4:5-6 listen
07/08/2012 Rick Strohm Acts 12:1-19 listen
07/01/2012 Andrew James 1 Timothy 3:14-15 listen
06/24/2012 Burnell Fields Jews, Gentiles, and the Church of God listen
06/17/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 11, 12 listen
06/10/2012 Earl Brinkman Matthew 24 listen
05/20/2012 William Yuille MAY CONFERENCE 4 of 4 listen
05/20/2012 William Yuille MAY CONFERENCE 3 of 4 listen
05/19/2012 William Yuille MAY CONFERENCE 2 of 4 listen
05/19/2012 William Yuille MAY CONFERENCE 1 of 4 listen
05/13/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 10, 11 listen
04/25/2012 Rick Strohm Acts 10, 11 listen
04/08/2012 Andrew James Job 14, 19 listen
04/01/2012 Burnell Fields listen
03/25/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 10:1-42 listen
03/11/2012 Rick Strohm Acts 10 listen
03/04/2012 Burnell Fields The Jews, Gentiles, and Church Of God listen
02/26/2012 Andrew James Matthew 10:22-31 listen
02/19/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 9:1-38 listen
02/12/2012 Wade LeBlanc John 14:1-3 listen
02/05/2012 Rick Strohm Acts 9:32-43 listen
01/29/2012 Andrew James Suffering For Christ's Sake listen
01/22/2012 Burnell Fields God's Promises and Revealed Mysteries listen
01/15/2012 Bill Crecca Matthew 7-9; Jesus Messiah listen
01/08/2012 Earl Brinkman Romans 12:1-2 listen
01/01/2012 Rick Strohm Acts 9:1-30 listen
12/25/2011 Andrew James John 1:1-9 listen
12/18/2011 Burnell Fields Luke 2:21-38 listen
12/11/2011 Bill Crecca Matthew 7:15-29 listen
11/27/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 8:26-40 listen
11/20/2011 Bill Crecca Matthew 7:6-14 listen
11/13/2011 Andrew James Malachi 4:1-6 listen
10/30/2011 Earl Brinkman God's Mercy listen
10/23/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 8:1-5 listen
10/16/2011 Andrew James Malichi 3:13-18 listen
10/9/2011 Burnell Fields Hebrews 10:9-25 listen
10/2/2011 Bill Crecca Matthew 7:1-5 listen
9/25/2011 Earl Brinkman 40 In Scripture listen
9/18/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 7:51-53 listen
7/24/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 7 listen
7/10/2011 Andrew James Malachi 3:1-9 listen
6/26/2011 Bill Crecca Matthew 6:19-24 listen
6/19/2011 Andrew James Matthew 1:18-25 listen
6/5/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 6:1-8 listen
5/29/2011 Bill Crecca Matthew 6:1-18 listen
5/22/2011 Burnell Fields 1 Corinthians 15:3,4 listen
5/8/2011 Andrew James Mary, Mother of Jesus listen
5/1/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 5:17-33 listen
4/24/2011 Burnell Fields 1 Corinthians 15 listen
4/10/2011 Bill Crecca That We May Be Like The Lord Jesus listen
4/3/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 5:11-16 listen
3/27/2011 Andrew James Malachi 1:6-10; 2:1-6 listenGiving Our Best To The Master
3/20/2011 Burnell Fields Ephesians 5:17-33 listenChrist The Head of the Church
3/6/2011 Earl Brinkman Bible Memorials listen
2/13/2011 Burnell Fields Ephesians 4:1-16 listen
2/6/2011 Bill Crecca Matthew 5:13-20 listen
1/30/2011 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Meeting listen
1/23/2011 Rick Strohm Acts 4:23-31 listen
12/26/2010 Earl Brinkman Translation To Heaven listenEnoch, Elijah, and The Church
12/19/2010 Rick Strohm Acts 4:1-20 listen
12/12/2010 Andrew James Psalm 55 listen
12/05/2010 Burnell Fields Luke 15:1-7 listen
11/28/2010 Bill Crecca Matthew 4:12-23 listen
11/21/2010 Earl Brinkman Pride listen2 Chronicles 26:3-5, 9-21
11/14/2010 Rick Strohm Acts 3:11-26 listen
11/07/2010 Andrew James Psalm 139 listen
10/10/2010 Earl Brinkman 7 Marks of a Christian listen
10/3/2010 Burnell Fields Acts 20:32 listen
9/26/2010 Andrew James Don't Envy the Wicked listenPsalm 73
9/5/2010 Rick Strohm Acts 2:41-47 listen
8/29/2010 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Meeting (5/5) listenExodus 9:17-26
8/29/2010 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Meeting (4/5) listen
8/25/2010 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Meeting (3/5) listen
8/22/2010 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Meeting (2/5) listen
8/22/2010 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Meeting (1/5) listen
8/15/2010 Burnell Fields Word of His Grace listenActs 20:32
8/8/2010 Rick Strohm Series On Acts listenActs 2:22-41
8/1/2010 Bill Crecca Jesus listen
7/25/2010 Andrew James Description of Heaven listenRevelation 21:1-27
7/18/2010 Earl Brinkman In Light of The Lord's Return listen
7/11/2010 Rick Strohm The Day of Pentecost listenActs 2:1-21
7/4/2010 Burnell Fields John 3 listenJohn 3:14-21
6/13/2010 Rick Strohm Judas: 5 Warnings From His Life listenActs 1:15-26
6/6/2010 Earl Brinkman 7 Similies of 2 Timothy listen2 Timothy 2
5/30/2010 Andrew James Saved From Sin listenPenalty, Power, and Presence
4/18/2010 Burnell Fields Nicodemus listenJohn 3:1-7
4/1/2010 Bill Crecca Jesus Came to Fulfil the Law listenGospel of Matthew
3/28/2010 Earl Brinkman Earthquakes in Scripture listen
3/21/2010 Rick Strohm The Promise of Christ's Second Coming listenActs 1:6-11
3/14/2010 Andrew James Saved From Sin listen
2/28/2010 Burnell Fields Keep The Waterpot Filled listenJohn 2:1-11
2/21/2010 Bill Crecca Jesus Messiah listenMatthew 1:18-25
1/31/2010 Rick Strohm The Coming of the Holy Spirit listen Acts 1:4-8
1/24/2010 Andrew James Healing of the Lame Man listen Acts 3:1-10
1/17/2010 Rick Strohm Infallible Proofs of the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ listen Acts 1:1-3
12/13/2009 Rick Strohm Jesus Did Not Come To Condemn The World listen John 3:17-21
11/29/2009 Wade LeBlanc Who Is Your Master listen Psalm 40:6-8; Exodus 21:1-6
11/29/2009 Wade LeBlanc Who Is Your Master listen Psalm 40:6-8; Exodus 21:1-6
11/29/2009 Wade LeBlanc The Greatest Event Occured At Calvary listen
11/22/2009 Burnell Fields Thanksgiving listen John 1:14-34
11/15/2009 Bud Anderson David's Thirst For God listen Psalm 63
11/8/2009 Earl Brinkman The Lord's People listen
9/27/2009 Bill Crecca The Lord is My Shepherd listen Psalm 23
9/20/2009 Earl Brinkman Demonstration of God's Power listen
9/6/2009 Sheldon Crutchfield How God Deals With People listen 1 Kings 11:38; 12:31-33; 13:1-34
8/30/2009 Wade LeBlanc Get Alone With God listen Hosea 12:3,4; Genesis 32:24-32
8/26/2009 Wade LeBlanc The Door listen Luke 13:23-28
8/23/2009 Bill Crecca The Good News listen Romans 1:1-6,16
8/9/2009 Andrew James Having Been With Jesus listen Acts 4:1-17
8/1/2009 Burnell Fields In Him is No Guile listen Psalm 47; John 1:47
7/26/2009 Bill Crecca The Lowliness of Christ listen Philippians 4:1-8; Romans 12:3
6/14/2009 Earl Brinkman Our Conscience listen
6/7/2009 Rick Strohm Counting Difficulties As Blessings listen James 1:2
5/31/2009 Michael Fields Holy God, Sinful Man listen 1 Samuel 4:10-11; 5:1-6
5/24/2009 Andrew James David's Confidence In His God listen 2 Timothy 3:16,17; 1 Samuel 17:37
5/17/2009 Bill Crecca Once Slaves, Now Free listen Psalm 126
4/26/2009 Burnell Fields Philip Shares The Lord Jesus With Others listen John 1:43-46
4/19/2009 Rick Strohm Counting Blessings In Difficulties listen
4/12/2009 Andrew James One Certainty: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ listen
4/5/2009 Bill Crecca Set On Pilgrimage listen Psalm 84
3/29/2009 Burnell Fields 3 Cities listen John; Matthew 7
3/22/2009 Fred Baxstrome Testimony listen
3/15/2009 Earl Brinkman Trembling listen
3/8/2009 Rick Strohm Focussed On The Cross of Christ listen Galatians 6:11-18
3/1/2009 Burnell Fields May We See Jesus For Who He Is listen John 1:42-46
2/22/2009 Andrew James Trust God listen 2 Corinthians 1:9
2/15/2009 Bill Crecca God's Grace Extended To Us listen Titus 2:11
2/8/2009 Earl Brinkman Agents Of The Devil listen
2/1/2009 Rick Strohm What We Sow We Also Reap listen Galatians 6:7-9
1/25/2009 Andrew James Put Your Trust In God listen Psalm 121:1-3
1/18/2009 Burnell Fields Abraham: A Friend of God listen Genesis 18:16-26
1/4/2009 Earl Brinkman The Devil listen
12/14/2008 Andrew James Our Help Comes From The Lord listen Psalm 121
12/07/2008 Bill Crecca John 17 listen
11/30/2008 Bud Anderson Ruth: Love and Grace listen Ruth 1-4
11/23/2008 Rick Strohm Christian Living listen Galatians 5:26; 6:1-6
11/16/2008 Andrew James The Great Commission listen
11/09/2008 Tim Smith 5 Points On Love listen Song of Solomon 8:6,7
10/26/2008 Bud Anderson Love & Grace listen Ruth 1
10/19/2008 Bud Anderson Jesus - The True Vine listen John 15:1-13
10/12/2008 Jim O'Bryon Government listen
9/28/2008 Rick Strohm Flesh vs Spirit listen Galatians 5:24,25
9/21/2008 Burnell Fields 1 Peter 1:13-16 listen
9/14/2008 Earl Brinkman 8 Mysteries In The Bible listen Deuteronomy 29:29
9/7/2008 Andrew James What Is A Christian listen 1 John 5:11-13
8/24/2008 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Message 5/5 listen Exodus 12:1-7;11-13
8/24/2008 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Message 4/5 listen Luke 23:32-43
8/20/2008 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Message 3/5 listen John 6:15-21
8/17/2008 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Message 2/5 listen 1 Corinthians 15:1-7
8/17/2008 Wade LeBlanc Gospel Message 1/5 listen
8/10/2008 Burnell Fields John, Andrew, Peter - Followed Jesus listen
8/3/2008 Bill Crecca Press On listen 1 Corinthians 15:58
5/25/2008 Bud Anderson "3 words not translated" listen
5/4/2008 Earl Brinkman "Ignorance is No Excuse" listen
4/27/2008 Andrew James "How to Handle Discouragement" listen Philipians 4:4-6
4/20/2008 Burnell Fields "Do all things to GOD's Glory" listen 1 Corinthians 10:31-33,11:1
4/13/2008 Brian Merriam "Cost & Responsibility of Discipleship" listen Matthew 25:14-30
4/06/2008 Mark Thomas "Faith" listen Hebrews 11:1-19
3/30/2008 Rick Strohm "Goodness" listen Galatians 5:22-23
3/23/2008 Andrew James "Jesus has Risen" listen Matthew 27:59-66,28:1-18
3/16/2008 Bill Crecca "Living For Christ" listen Philippians 1:21
3/9/2008 Burnell Fields Jesus the Lamb of God listen John 1:29-34
3/2/2008 Earl Brinkman listen
2/24/2008 Rick Strohm "The Fruit of the Spirit Gentleness, Meekness" listen Galatians 5:22-23
2/17/2008 Wade Leblanc "When She Had Heard of Jesus" listen Mark 5:24-34
2/17/2008 Wade Leblanc "Except Ye Be Converted" listen Matthew 18:2-5
2/10/2008 Andrew James "Test of the Spirit" listen 1 John 4:1-4
2/3/2008 Burnell Fields "Jesus The Lamb of God listen John 1:29-34
1/27/2008 Bill Crecca "Back to Basics" listen Genesis 1:1
1/20/2008 Earl Brinkman "Snow" listen
1/13/2008 Rick Strohm Fruit of the Spirit "Longsuffering" listen Galatians 5:22
1/6/2008 Andrew James The Great Commission: Our Responsibility to obey listen Matthew 28:17-20
12/30/2007 A. Dubay Lessons in the Life of David listen
12/23/2007 Earl Brinkman Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ listen
9/30/2007 Bill Crecca Colossians 1 listen
9/23/2007 Burnell Fields John 1:17-28 listen
9/16/2007 Andrew James Discouragement listen
9/9/2007 Rick Strohm The Fruit of the Spirit listen Galatians 5:22-24
8/26/2007 Wade LeBlanc Our Secret Place listen Psalm 91:1-5; Mattew 6:6
8/26/2007 Wade LeBlanc A Call to See the Light listen Mark 10:46-52
8/23/2007 Wade LeBlanc Behold listen Gospel
8/22/2007 Wade LeBlanc Consider Him listen Gospel
8/19/2007 Wade LeBlanc The Widow's Son Raised listen Luke 7:11-15
8/19/2007 Wade LeBlanc The Joy of Sin Forgiven listen Psalm 32:1-11
7/29/2007 Burnell Fields John The Baptist - A Special Man listen John 1:6-8,15
7/22/2007 Bill Crecca Reasons For A New Heart listen Ezekiel 36:26,27
7/8/2007 Rick Strohm Being An Effective Christian listen Galatians 5:22; John 15:1-5
7/1/2007 Andrew James Dealing With Discouragement listen Philippians 4:6-7
6/24/2007 Bill Crecca Luke 10:21-29 listen
6/17/2007 Earl Brinkman Nothing listen
5/20/2007 Bud Anderson Life of Jacob listen Part 2 of 2
4/15/2007 Bill Crecca 5 Things That Keep Us From The Lord listen Matthew 3:1-12
4/8/2007 Burnell Fields Christ Is Risen listen
4/1/2007 Rick Strohm Jesus' Entry Into Jerusalem listen Matthew 21:1-17
3/18/2007 Wade LeBlanc The Lowliness and Loftiness of The Lord Jesus Christ listen Isaiah 57:15; John 1:4
3/18/2007 Wade LeBlanc Jesus Lifts Us From the Horrible Pit listen Psalm 40:1-3
3/11/2007 Burnell Fields Jesus, Our Sabbath listen Matthew 11:28-30
2/25/2007 Earl Brinkman The Church #10 - Its Destiny listen
2/18/2007 Rick Strohm Sanctification Is Through The Spirit listen Galatians 5:16-18
2/11/2007 Andrew James Human Life Begins at Conception listen Genesis 1:26
1/28/2007 Bill Crecca The Bible: It's All About Jesus listen
1/21/2007 Earl Brinkman The Church #9 - Its Government listen
1/7/2007 Rick Strohm Liberty in Christ listen Galatians 5:13-15
12/24/2006 Bill Crecca Jesus Came listen John 1:14,17,18
12/10/2006 Bud Anderson The Coming of the Savior in Time listen Genesis 3:1-19
12/03/2006 Rick Strohm Liberty With Love listen Galatians 5:13
11/26/2006 Andrew James God's Unspeakable Gift listen 2 Corinthians 9:15
11/19/2006 Bud Anderson Strangers & Pilgrims listen Psalm 121:1-8
11/12/2006 Burnell Fields Glorifying Grace listen
10/15/2006 Earl Brinkman The Church #8 - The Judgement of The Church listen
10/8/2006 Rick Strohm Circumcision Does Not Save listen Galations 5:2-10
9/24/2006 Richard Strout We Are Known by Him listen Luke 22:31-34
9/20/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #13 listen Divorce (3 of 3)
9/13/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #12 listen Divorce (2 of 3)
9/10/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #11 listen Divorce (1 of 3)
8/13/2006 Rick Strohm Life Choices listen Galations 4:21-5:1
8/6/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #10 listen Intimacy and Romance
7/30/2006 Burnell Fields Sustaining Grace listen Hebrews 4:11-16
7/23/2006 Bill Crecca New Life listen From the book of Joshua
7/16/2006 Earl Brinkman The Church #6 - Its Worship listen John 4:20-24; Revelation 1:9; Romans 12:1
7/9/2006 Rick Strohm Salvation By Faith Alone listen Galations 4:12-18
7/2/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #9 listen Training Children Part II
6/25/2006 Burnell Fields Equipping Grace listen Ephesians 4:1-15
6/18/2006 Bill Crecca God in His Fatherhood listen Creation, Regeneration, and Sanctification
6/11/2006 Earl Brinkman The Church #5 - Its Mission listen 2 Cor 5:17-21; 2 Cor 3:2; 1 Cor 11:2
6/4/2006 Bud Anderson Psalm 73 listen
5/21/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #8 listen Responsibility of parents in training their children.
5/14/2006 Burnell Fields Honoring Mothers listen John 19:25-27; Deuteronomy 6:6-7
5/7/2006 Bill Crecca 4 Points of Joy listen From the book of Philippians
4/30/2006 Earl Brinkman The Church #4 - Its Structure listen Ephesians 4:14-16; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
4/23/2006 Bud Anderson Jesus, The Lamb of God listen John 1:1-5,14
4/16/2006 Rick Strohm The Tomb & The Room listen Luke 23:44-56; Mark 16:2-14; Luke 24:1-46
4/9/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #7 listen Communication
4/5/2006 Wade LeBlanc Gathering in His Name listen Matthew 18:20; John 20:19-20; Acts 4:31-31; Acts 20:7-8
4/2/2006 Burnell Fields Purifying Grace listen Titus 3:1-8
3/26/2006 Bill Crecca God's Permission listen Matthew 14:13-15;22-33
3/19/2006 Earl Brinkman The Church #3 - Christ Is The Head listen Ephesians 1:20-23
3/12/2006 Rick Strohm Salvation by Faith Only listen Galatians 4:1-11
3/5/2006 Mark Thomas How to Fight Your Battles listen 2 Chronicles 20:1-30; Ephesians 6:10-17; Spiritual Warfare
2/26/2006 Andrew James Marriage Series - #6 listen The Role of Woman
2/19/2006 Burnell Fields Saving Grace listen Ephesians 2:1-9
2/12/2006 Bill Crecca The Cross - 2 Decisions listen Special Music; Jim Campbell Testimony; Luke 23
2009 Conference (May 2nd & 3rd)
Cliff Campbell
Miracles of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Session 1   listen
Session 2   listen
Session 3   listen
Session 4   listen
2008 Conference (May 10th & 11th)
J.B. Nicholson
The Gospel that Jesus Christ Shared
Session 1   listen Methods of Sharing the Gospel
Session 2   listen The Gospel is For All People
Session 3   listen God's Family is a Spiritual Family
Gospel Meetings
Wade LeBlanc
August 2006
Sun AM (8/20) listen What the Lord Jesus is to the World
Sun PM (8/20) listen No Fear, No Future
Mon PM (8/21) listen The Rich Man (Luke 12)
Tue PM (8/22) listen Peter's Sick Mother-In-Law (Luke 4)
Wed PM (8/23) listen The Great Famine in Samaria (2 Kings 6)
Thu PM (8/24) listen Jesus Between the Thieves on Crosses (Luke 23)
Fri PM (8/25) listen Salvation (Ephesians 2:8,9; Romans 6:23)
Sun AM (8/27) listen Free From the Dungeon of Sin (Psalm 40; Jeremiah 38)